Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Just another lazy summer day

cool but wet. rainy. haven't gone swimming in a while. the dog has calmed down. she has settled in just fine, can't believe she's been with us for 3 months. last week we took in dog#2 as a 'foster dog'-- a friend of a friend needed help, it was sort of an emergency, and now #2 and #1 have a rollicking good time day in and day out. and tire one another out so we don't have to worry about as much chewing and general mayhem caused by doggie#1.

this photo was taken on the second day. she's been here almost a week and they are back in this same position right now. pretty cute. makes up for the terrorizing of the cat and other mayhem caused by the general crazed nature of doggie#2.

trying to make art. the hubby got me to drink coffee this morning and i got hyper and then tired as usually happens. but now i think i'll go back to the projects with a clearer mind. delivered my second actual-framed-piece-of-artwork this past weekend to a 'private collection' in boston. thanks J+v-- when i'm famous you'll get another shoutout!

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