Monday, July 14, 2008


Little Miss Goaties have been very vocal, making lots of noise lately, and are demanding to have their photo posted:
aren't they purdy?
Spent the weekend working at the garden tour in Great Barrington (perfected my parking directional dance!) and hanging out summer-style at BBQs and poolside. Life is good. And now I'm doing my homework, as it's rainy out there. Well, ok, NOW I'm going to do my homework.

And tonight is the Berkshire Fringe opening gala! So much fun and we get to dress up! I have been told that I will be dancing, too. Watch out!


Sarah said...

You sure did tear it up with the disco parking shuffle. Very skillful. You should have done it at the Fringe! What a nice nice visit I had! See you again soon!

Anonymous said...

I'm still waiting for my cheese.